Merging File with headers

Hi I need to merge 4 files. The issue i am facing is all the files have headers and i do not want them in the final output file. Can anybody suggest how to do it?


for FILE in *
        exec 5<"$FILE" 
        read LINE <&5 
        [ -z "$FIRST" ] && echo "$LINE" 

        cat <&5 
        exec 5<&- 
done > merged.file

can i have a awk one liner for this?


awk 'FNR>1' file1 file2 file3 file4 > new_file
awk -v var=`wc -l < files ` 'NR>1 && /Header row/ {next}{print}' files

Thanks very much for the answers . sorry for late response i just came back from office.