merging column from two files based on identifier


I have two files consisting of two columns. So I want to merge column 2 if column 1 is the same. So heres an example of what I mean.


driver 444
car 333
hat 222


driver 333
car 666
hat 999

So I want to merge the column 2's together so there is no gap... so the output file will look like this...

driver 444333
car 333666
hat 222999

Currently I am using this script but I can only get it to work for column 2 if column 1 is removed.

awk 'NR==FNR { a[c=FNR]=$0; next } { printf "%-8s%s\n", a[FNR], $0 } END { for(i=FNR+1;i<=c;i++) print a [i]}' FILE2.txt FILE2.txt > output.txt

Please give clear requirement.

sorry for my errors.... I mean columns...

If you dont mind my giving you a simple piece of code... :slight_smile:

while read name value_in_file1
   value_in_file2=`grep $name file2.txt |awk '{print $2}'`
   echo $name $value_in_file1$value_in_file2
done < file1.txt
awk '{a[$1]=a[$1]$2} END {for(i in a) print i , a}' file1 file2