My intent is to merge / combine these stanzas into one, but ensure that whatever is in the local folder overwrites the same line in the default folder.
Obviously, there's more than one stanza within the file, but I'm struggling to find a way to properly append one file to the other. Thus far I've tried
However, that doesn't actually place the settings under one inclusive stanza. I've also played around with using sort but that doesn't actually do what I'm trying to achieve. I've also tried playing with / using the script but I'm still not getting the results I require.
Any advice or assistance in resolving this would be a huge help for me, thank you!
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This is a bit complex, a piping of simple tools like sort, uniq, cat won't work out.
Each key must be unique per stanza, but can occur in multiple stanzas.
Input files have stanzas in random order, and keys are per stanza but in random order.
This can be represented by a two-dimensional array indexed by stanza and key, storing the values.
Later occurrences of stanza,key override previous ones.
With my awk knowledge I pick awk of course:
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=" = " }
/\[/ { st[stanza=$0]; next }
NF>1 { val[stanza,$1]=$2 }
for (stanza in st) {
print stanza
for (comb in val) {
split(comb, c, SUBSEP)
if (stanza==c[1]) print c[2], val[stanza,c[2]]
print ""
' default/savedsearches.conf local/savedsearches.conf
The standard two-dimensional arrays are bit of a hack in awk; you must know that the keys are simply joined with an embedded SUBSEP. And you can only loop through the combined index.
And finally you have no control over the order; the order of the stanzas and keys are random.
Perhaps perl or python are better suited?
Or the true multi-dimensional arrays in gawk 4.x?
@MadeInGermany, good idea.
here's the "true" multi-dimentional gawk version:
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=" = " }
/]/ { stanza=$0; next }
NF>1 { val[stanza][$1]=$2 }
for (stI in val) {
print stI
for (valI in val[stI])
print valI, val[stI][valI]
print ""
}' default/savedsearches.conf local/savedsearches.conf