Merge columns on different files

Hello, I have two files that have this format:

file 1

86.82 0.00  86.82 43.61
86.84 0.00  86.84 43.61
86.86 0.00  86.86 43.61
86.88 0.00  86.88 43.61

file 2

86.82 0.22
86.84 0.22
86.86 0.22
86.88 0.22

I would like to merge these two files such that the final file looks like this:

86.82 0.00  86.82 43.61 86.82 0.22
86.84 0.00  86.84 43.61 86.84 0.22
86.86 0.00  86.86 43.61 86.86 0.22
86.88 0.00  86.88 43.61 86.88 0.22

Can someone please help?

Assumption files are sorted and missing columns should get 0.00:

join -o 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2 -e "0.00" file1 file2

An awk approach may try

$ cat f2
86.82 0.22
86.84 0.22
86.86 0.22
86.88 0.22
$ cat f1
86.82 0.00  86.82 43.61
86.84 0.00  86.84 43.61
86.86 0.00  86.86 43.61
86.88 0.00  86.88 43.61
$ awk 'FNR==NR{_[$1]=$0;next}{printf($1 in _)?$0 FS _[$1] RS:""}' f2 f1


86.82 0.00  86.82 43.61 86.82 0.22
86.84 0.00  86.84 43.61 86.84 0.22
86.86 0.00  86.86 43.61 86.86 0.22
86.88 0.00  86.88 43.61 86.88 0.22

@Akshay Hegde
Using _ as a variable name is not a good idea. It makes beginners wonder what is going on. Its valid, but use some thing else, like this:

awk 'FNR==NR{arr[$1]=$0;next}{printf($1 in arr)?$0 FS arr[$1] RS:""}' f2 f1

When you see some like this example, its not easy to see what is going on :wink:
awk '_ && _--;/test/{_=3}' file

Thank you Jotne.. what you said is true it will be difficult for beginners to understand

sort file1 file2 | paste -d"\t\n" -s 
86.82 0.00  86.82 43.61    86.82 0.22
86.84 0.00  86.84 43.61    86.84 0.22
86.86 0.00  86.86 43.61    86.86 0.22
86.88 0.00  86.88 43.61    86.88 0.22