Mention file include on command line: awk

Hi All:

I need your help please.

I have a include file *.awk , and I would want to know if it's there a option's awk where I can use this file include, for example:

awk -f decodifica_bitmap.awk cadena_hex.txt -e /home/snh/Awk/include/funciones.awk > sal.out

it give error:

awk: decodifica_bitmap.awk:4: (FILENAME=cadena_hex.txt FNR=1) fatal: la funci�n �decode_bitmap� no est� definida

Help's Awk says about option -e or --source:

   -e program-text
   --source program-text
          Use program-text as AWK program source code.  This option allows
          the easy intermixing of library functions \(used via the  -f  and
          --file  options\)  with  source code entered on the command line.
          It is intended primarily for medium to large AWK  programs  used
          in shell scripts.

Note: I know I use @include inside of the main program is a solution.

Thanks for advance.

Put your operands after your options on your command line:

awk -f decodifica_bitmap.awk -e /home/snh/Awk/include/funciones.awk cadena_hex.txt > sal.out