Memory issue on solaris10 box

my system has 128G of installed memory. top, vmstat shows the system has just over 10G of free memory on the system. but as per prstat o/p the usage is just 50-55G is there anyway i can find which process/zone is using more memory ?

System has 3 zones and all running application servers.

prstat o/p

 26826 534      1145M  977M sleep    6    2   1:21:33 0.2% java/124
 26822 534      1086M  914M sleep    1    2   2:40:26 0.1% java/127
 26824 534      1064M  880M sleep   51    2   1:50:19 0.3% java/124
 26825 534      1040M  787M sleep   24    2   1:21:49 0.7% java/123
 26823 534      1026M  880M cpu21   11    2   1:38:11 0.3% java/127
  6139 543       724M  661M sleep   58    0   6:00:58 0.0% java/109
 26866 744       684M  578M sleep    1    0   1:49:25 0.0% java/29
 16486 744       680M  504M sleep   15    0   4:43:47 0.0% java/29
  6141 543       618M  466M sleep   58    0   6:04:48 0.0% java/109
  6140 543       498M  481M sleep   59    0   6:01:18 0.0% java/113
     2      888   25G   23G    18% 1652:04:4  17% zone1
     4      251 8046M 7165M   5.5%  48:52:42 0.5% zone2
     3      196 6770M 6033M   4.6%  83:44:58 0.1% zone3
     0       82  878M  947M   0.7%  92:03:22 0.2% global

vmstat o/p

 kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
 r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr s0 s1 s2 s3   in   sy   cs us sy id
 0 0 0 78823032 67992608 570 655 137 36 31 0 0 3 3 -26 4 8322 42617 8422 3 1 96
 0 0 0 96066544 11019248 5111 35016 53 15 8 0 0 44 44 0 29 24615 112792 31286 16 6 78
 0 0 0 96036984 10993944 5344 28134 38 46 23 0 0 0 0 0 39 28219 154244 37564 18 6 76
 0 0 0 96025936 10969528 2017 3856 38 23 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 23715 67743 29670 14 3 83
 1 0 0 93876456 10938432 987 1528 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 23961 64393 28082 15 4 81

top o/p

usstlz-pinfsi04|global$ top
load averages:  22.2,  23.4,  23.5;                    up 70+21:56:06                                                                                                   09:18:51
1385 processes: 1363 sleeping, 3 zombie, 19 on cpu
CPU states: 84.2% idle, 13.9% user,  1.9% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Memory: 128G phys mem, 10G free mem, 102G total swap, 102G free swap

Unused memory is wasted memory so there is no problem with the values you show.
No hidden process is using more memory. The kernel certainly does but will release most of it should demand occur.
What displays this command:

echo ::memstat | mdb -k
