Memory bound error...

Hi all,
Am getting the below error for a job that is run in our system.

error code: 114, pc=0, call=1, seg=0
114 Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory (Signal 11)

This job uses a cobol program and as far as I know, the problem is related to this cobol program.
What does this mean and how to handle this error. Kindly advise.:confused:

man 7 signal gives you a handy list of the meaning of various signals.

Signal	  Value     Action   Comment
       SIGHUP	     1	     Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
				     or death of controlling process
       SIGINT	     2	     Term    Interrupt from keyboard
       SIGQUIT	     3	     Core    Quit from keyboard
       SIGILL	     4	     Core    Illegal Instruction
       SIGABRT	     6	     Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
       SIGFPE	     8	     Core    Floating point exception
       SIGKILL	     9	     Term    Kill signal
       SIGSEGV	    11	     Core    Invalid memory reference
       SIGPIPE	    13	     Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no
       SIGALRM	    14	     Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
       SIGTERM	    15	     Term    Termination signal
       SIGUSR1	 30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1
       SIGUSR2	 31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2
       SIGCHLD	 20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated
       SIGCONT	 19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped
       SIGSTOP	 17,19,23    Stop    Stop process
       SIGTSTP	 18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at tty
       SIGTTIN	 21,21,26    Stop    tty input for background process
       SIGTTOU	 22,22,27    Stop    tty output for background process

If you look through it you will see that signal 11 is SIGSEGV which expands to the slightly more comprehensible "SIGnal SEGmentation Violation" which means that a program tried to access an area of memory it was not allocated. The OS considers this to be bad form and kills the process dropping a core if cores are enabled.

If this program is supplied by a vendor, open a ticket and offer to send in the core.

If not, provide the core to your developers.

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