max password is blank

Hi All,

I have this userid:

[root@123server456 ~]# cat /etc/shadow | grep mysql

Max password expiration is blank. What does it mean?

If it's like this below
then there's no expiration.

Thanks in advance for any comments you may add.

Best regards.

This is a good question, because in fact, the pam_unix authentication module and corresponding helper program chkpwd are very unclear on how they handle things. If you do look at the pam_unix documentation (here, you'll find it has something like "broken_shadow", which allows the module to "succeed" if something in the shadow file is not right, such as an empty expiration time.

However, it seems like it worked even with "broken_shadow" disabled and an empty expiration time. The only way to know for sure is to look at the source code of the modules.