Max amount of parameter

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a ksh script to accept user amount of parameters. so far I have written the following but, when I run the script it gives me the "i" back instead of the parameter's value. can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you in advance:):slight_smile:


echo "How many Parameter would you like to accept?"
read num

for ((i=1;i<=num;i++))
echo ${!i}

echo ${i}

Thank you for your reply. I have done that, it returns 1,2,3...num but not the value of the parameter.

xxx@xxx-xxxxxxxx:~/task4$ ksh iii.ksh 7 8 9
How many parameter would you like to calculate?

You haven't said which version of ksh you're using. If it is a 1993 or later version, try:

ARGV=($0 "$@")	# Put this before your loop.
 ... ... ...
	echo "${ARGV[$i]}"
 ... ... ...

Note that you'll need to reassign the ARGV array after any calls to shift or set (when set is used to add or replace positional parameters).

PS: Note that if you're trying to determine if your script was called with more than $num positional parameters, the way to test for that is with:

if [ "$num" -gt $# ]
then	printf 'Too many (%d) positional parameters found.  No more than %d expected.\n' $# "$num" >&2
	exit 1
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Thank you very much. it works. your a star:):):):smiley: I'm using the latest version

I'm glad it worked for you.

You could also try either of the following more direct approaches (without creating an auxiliary array):

	echo "${@:$i:1}"
	echo "${@:i:1}"

or, if you wanted to print the first $num positional parameters:

	printf '%s\n' "${@:1:num}"
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Why do you want to translate position numbers to values?
Normally you simply walk through the given values

echo "here are the $# values:"
for arg
  echo "$arg"

for arg is short for for arg in "$@" .
If you want to associate positions with the values then you can store the values in an array, as Don showed.

Shouldn't that read if [ "$num" -lt $# ] ?

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I am trying to calculate the total of the parameters that is set by the user input and get the average of those parameters. That's why I need the values rather than the position numbers. It is just part of my coursework as a student.

Thank you Don Cragun, the direct approach is much better than creating a new variable.

PS. I would very much appreciate any links or book recommendation to understand ksh script.

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