Math calculation help

I wrote this script

awk -F"\t" '{if ((($1 == 586) || ($1 == 68030)) && (($2/1024) < 512)) print $0"\t"(512-($2/1024))"\t"(512-($2/1024))/256}' pcs.txt

But I want from the calculation in red to get rid of the decimal part. Like instead of 1.75 to keep only 1.Please somebody tell me what I had to add to my script to do this.


awk -F"\t" '{if ((($1 == 586) || ($1 == 68030)) && (($2/1024) < 512)) print $0"\t"(512-($2/1024))"\t"int((512-($2/1024))/256)}' pcs.txt

I tried it before and it is the same result without it. Also I tried it into parenthesis (int) but also it is not working. I am using SSH secure shell for windows

Note the placement of the parenthesis int((512-($2/1024))/256)

This works correctly on cygwin, solaris 8,9,10, FC3 and SuSE 9.2 which are the only systems I have immediately to hand.

I didn't notice them before. It's is working.
Thanks a lot