Matching tables

Hello I have two tables like this


Ab01 Ac01 Bd01 Xc01
Ab02 Ac02 Bd02 Xc02
Ab03 Ac03 Bd03 Xc03
Ab04 Ac04 Bd04 Xc04
Ab05 Ac05 Bd05 Xc05

and Table 2 like this

Group_01.1 Bd03
Group_01.1 Ac03
Group_01.1 Xc03
Group_01.1 Ab03
Group_02.1 Ac02
Group_02.1 Ab05
Group_02.1 Bd03
Group_02.1 Xc04
Group_03.2 Bd04
Group_03.2 Ab05
Group_03.2 Bd03
Group_03.2 Ac02

I needed to print only the group which has all elements in table1 rows like this

Group_01.1 Bd03
Group_01.1 Ac03
Group_01.1 Xc03
Group_01.1 Ab03

grep and sort wont work here

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R. Singh

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I was using transposes the rows into columns, then data.frame creates a list of the columns to match the data match(data.frame(t(x)), data.frame(t(y)))

if only one row has matches

awk '
NR == FNR               { if (!T[$2]) T[$2] = $1; next }
                        { lin = 0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                                if ($i in T) lin++
lin == NF               { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print T[$1] FS $i }
' Table2 Table1


awk '
NR == FNR               { if (!T[$2]) T[$2] = $1; next }
                        { lin = 0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                                if ($i in T) lin++ 
lin == NF               { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) D[$i] = T[$i] }
END                     { for (i in D) print D FS i }
' Table2 Table1

This one worked perfectly

maybe this is very redundant for such task,
but maybe this will anticipate possible problems with more complex input
This instance with integrated version control :slight_smile: requires gnu awk

awk '
NR == FNR       { T[$2] = $1 (T[$2]?FS T[$2]:""); next }
                { lin = 0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                        if ($i in T) lin++ 
lin == NF       { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
                        if (T[$i]) print $i FS gensub(/^.*\s/, "", 1, T[$i])
                        sub(/\s?[^ ]+$/, "", T[$i])
' Table2 Table1

Try also

awk '
NR==FNR {T[$2] = $1
        {L   = 1
         OUT = ""
         for (i=1; i<=4; i++)   {L = L * ($i in T)
                                 OUT = OUT T[$i] OFS $i ORS
         if (L) print OUT
' file2 file1


sort file2 |  awk '
NR == FNR       {T[$0]
                {OUT = OUT NRS $0
                 IX  = IX NFS $2
                 NFS = OFS
                 NRS = ORS
!(FNR%4)        {if (IX in T) print OUT
                 OUT = IX = NFS = ""
' file1 -