Matching only the strings I provide - sed


I am currently learning sed and have found myself in some trouble..

I wrote this command:

sed -ne 's/[^-<>]*\([-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*\).*\([-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*\).*/\1\2/p'

and some of the output i get is :


As you can see, at the very end, it does not end with stockholm/paris/tokyo, because it still matches those extra letters because of my patter, now, how would I change my pattern to avoid these troubles ?

I tried (stockholm|tokyo|paris) but then I dont get the last city, stockholmpi for example (it should be stockholm only).

EDIT: Here is some of the data I use:

taoBLACK<-tokyo->paris->paris ->stockholm<-paris->stockholmThu3.14153
fubarPurple->tokyo<-paris->paris ->tokyo<-paris<-tokyo`3.14

EDIT After RudiC's post:

Okay so the logic behind this pattern is,

  1. It starts with a '->' or a '<-' followed by a city, example; ->tokyo.
  2. After the city comes another arrow followed by another city, example; ->tokyo->paris.
  3. Then again, an arrow, followed by a city, example; ->tokyo->paris<-tokyo.
  4. Then some random texts come between, if you look at the last line in the data ive posted, you can see that after " ->tokyo->paris<-tokyo" comes "Jan" which is random text, we dont want this.
  5. Then we meet our pattern again, same pattern as the previous.

This is the ideal result: ->tokyo->paris<-tokyo->paris<-stockholm->tokyo
Which I do get on this specific line, but on some other lines I get output like this:


And we see that the third city has two extra letters (pi) and the last city, has two extra letters (pi), that is because in my pattern i write :


which in turn matches 'p' and 'i' from paris.

Now how would I force sed to choose between the exact strings I provided, which is stockholm,paris and tokyo ?

EDIT: Solved it by using parantheses. Here is the solution:

sed -ne 's/[^-<>]*\([-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*\).*\([-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}[stockholm,paris,tokyo]*[-><]\{2\}
\(stockholm\|paris\|tokyo\)\{1\}\).*/{Phil}2053,\1{5872Phil}\2[->->]/p' datasets/q14target.txt

That spec is not too helpful. Please describe the desired results and the logics/algorithm to achieve them.

Edited my post, thanks.

Why that? Is "Jan" acceptable?

I'm afraid that without a list of acceptable cities, there's no chance to remove random text.

Sorry, only "stockholm", "tokyo", "paris" is acceptable, I made a miss, sorry for that.

I don't think sed can solve this efficiently. How about awk ? Try

awk '
BEGIN   {for (n=split("stockholm paris tokyo", T); n>0; n--) C[T[n]] = n
        {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)  {V = ""
                                 for (c in C) if ($i ~ c) V = c
                                 sub (/[^<>]+/, V, $i)
                                 printf "%s%s", $i, (i<NF)?FS:""
         printf "\n"
' FS="-" file

---------- Post updated at 12:44 ---------- Previous update was at 12:42 ----------

Or even

awk '
BEGIN   {for (n=split("stockholm paris tokyo", T); n>0; n--) C[T[n]] = n
        {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)  {V = ""
                                 for (c in C) if ($i ~ c) V = c
                                 sub (/[^<>]+/, V, $i)
' FS="-" OFS="-" file

I kinda need to use sed for this assignment :confused:

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Ow, sorry, I saw that this section had sed in the description so I thought it would be appropraite.
Ill repost my thread in the propper section.