Match Columns in one file and extract columns from another file

Kindly help merging information from two files with the following data structure.
I want to match for the CHR-SNP in Foo and get the columns that match from CHROM-rsID
Fields 1 & 2 of foo may have duplicates, however, a joint key of Fields $1$2$3$4 is unique.
Also would be helpful to clean up the file column delimiter to make sure spaces (more than one)are converted to single tab.
awk preferred.
Many thanks
File foo:

CHR                 SNP   A1   A2          MAF  NCHROBS
   1          rs10005934    A    C       0.0038      452
   1          rs10015934    A    G       0.0038      452
   1            rs710870    A    G       0.4004      452
   1           rs2073105    G    A         0.25      452
   1            rs710871    A    G      0.01549      452
   1            exm25630    0    G            0      452

File bar:

CHROM     POS     rsID    cM      A1      A2   
   1       202183358    rs10005934    200.23    A    C
   1       202183358    rs10015934    200.23    A    G
   1       222445567     rs710870    51.21      A    G
   1       235658554     rs2073105    25.84      G    A
  10          27436462     rs1234566    1.52      D    I  

required file foobar

CHR                 SNP   A1   A2          MAF  NCHROBS     CHROM     POS     rsID    cM      A1      A2  
   1          rs10005934    A    C       0.0038      452        1       202183358    rs10005934    200.23    A    C            
   1          rs10015934    A    G       0.0038      452        1       202183358    rs10015934    200.23    A    G     
   1            rs710870    A    G       0.4004      452        1       222445567     rs710870    51.21      A    G     
   1           rs2073105    G    A         0.25      452        1       235658554     rs2073105    25.84      G    A     
awk '
FNR==1  { printf $0 ((c++) ? "\n" : "\t") }
NR==FNR {a[$1,$2]=$0; next}

a[$1,$3] { print a[$1,$3] "\t" $0 }
' foo bar

While rdrtx1's proposal works fine for the samples given, it doesn't for the duplicates mentioned as the samples don't have any. Nor is the request for <TAB> field separators in the result fulfilled. Try

awk '

                {IX1 = $1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $4
                 IX2 = $1 OFS $3 OFS $5 OFS $6
                 $1 = $1

FNR==1          {printf $0 ((c++) ? "\n" : "\t")

NR==FNR         {a[IX1] = $0

a[IX2]          {print a[IX2] "\t" $0
' OFS="\t" file[12]
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Can you please explain the code.


help cleaning up the first column or print the first line?
Would be very useful to understand the usage and learn awk if you can write a few words of explanation.

Neither ... nor. The $1 = $1 trick replaces ALL field separators (multiples as well) with the OFS char without modifying the fields' contents. man awk :

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