Match and insert in a sorted list

I have a sorted list (python) and I want to insert a string if it matches the pattern in list.

  Example :
    Sorted List
    ['Amy Dave', 'Dee Waugh', 'Eva A', 'Gin', 'Joy Kola', 'Kay Min', 'Mae', 'Pam Deing']

Above list is in sorted order. I need to insert a name in sorted order and also if the name already exist then it should be inserted before the existing name.

    Name  'Eva Henry'

As Eva is already in the list then after matching the pattern it should be inserted before "Eva A". If name does not match then it should be inserted in sorted order in the list. The output should be like :

     Sorted List
        ['Amy Dave', 'Dee Waugh', 'Eva Henry', 'Eva A', 'Gin', 'Joy Kola', 'Kay Min', 'Mae', 'Pam Deing']

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you

Been a while since I've played with python, but how about this:

names=['Amy Dave', 'Dee Waugh', 'Eva A', 'Gin', 'Joy Kola', 'Kay Min', 'Mae', 'Pam Deing']
new="Eva Henry"
for i in range(0, len(names), 1):
    if parts[0] == g[0] or names > new:
if ins == 0:
print "Sorted List"
print "  ",names