
Apologies if this is in the wrong section but I am desperate!

Can anyone help me get hold of manuals for the n4000 series server? I need to get the hardware assembled correctly so I can install hp-ux11. Any help would be much appreciated. We bought a decomissioned server but have zero documentation for it. Thanks guys. Found this forum by accident will definitely be a regular visitor!

Have you searched Technical documentation for 'n4000'?

Yeas I did try but as this server was bought second hand we don't have access to the manuals and I have spent numerous hours on the phone to HP getting transferred from one department to another with no success.

I replied but it seems to be gone. Have I violated any forum rules? The server belonged to local council but was decommisioned due to upgrades. They threw out the manuals so we are without documentation. HP have been a nightmare to deal with and I keep getting transferred from one department to another. I am at a loss as how to source these manuals. I have been unable to locate the manuals in the link provided by Annihilannic at this point in time.

Apologies if this shows up as a double post.

Is this what you are looking for?\_customer_hardwaremanual.pdf

Thats not the same model but similar set up so thanks I will see what I can find in it. Much appreciated.

N4000 name was renamed RP7400 just like
L classes were renamed to RP5XXX
Or was it the other way round?...

* N4000-36/rp7400: Prelude W
* N4000-44/rp7400: Prelude W 440 etc...
* L2000-54/rp5450

ant:/home/vbe $ model

Oh i see excellant thanks heaps,you're a legend.