Manipulating xml data with awk

Hi everyone,

I have a little bit of complicated task to finish with AWK. Here it is;
I have a data file in xml format which looks like this

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5

lets say each data block contains 5 rows and 5 columns, what I need to do is this;
I have a condition, and I need to find the row that satisfies this condition then
I need to add an extra field to each row whose value will be calculated using
the columns of the row that satisfies the condition as well as other columns in
other rows. As an example, lets say row "c" satisfies my condition, then I add
an extra field to data which will look like this

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6
b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6

where the last fields are calculated as following;

a6 = c2*a2 + c3*a3 + c4*a4 + c5*a5
b6 = c2*b2 + c3*b3 + c4*b4 + c5*b5
c6 = c2*c2 + c3*c3 + c4*c4 + c5*c5
d6 = c2*d2 + c3*d3 + c4*d4 + c5*d5
e6 = c2*e2 + c3*e3 + c4*e4 + c5*e5

the algebra on the above calculation may not necessarily be simple as this.

Thanks for any help.

Please post a sample of the input and the desired output.

Mention the condition to be tested for.

Show how the real data is, how the "data" blocks are separated from one another.

Also, mention the "real" calculations.

Do not oversimplify. This often leads to frequent changes in requirements with subsequent confusion.

Here is two data blocks from my real data file

21    0.00  0.00  0.57  0.57
21    0.00  0.00 -0.19  0.19
6    -0.63  0.12  0.31  0.37
24   -0.44  0.15  0.25  0.30
-13  -0.23  0.37  0.13  0.14
1     0.00  0.00  0.10  0.10
-1    0.00  0.00 -0.66  0.66
6    -0.17  0.40  0.27  0.32
24   -0.48 -0.24  0.12  0.15
-13   0.17 -0.44  0.33  0.18

take the row where $1==6 to use its fields in further calculations
and do the following algebraic calculations

a6 = c2*a2 - c3*a3 - c4*a4 - c5*a5
b6 = c2*b2 - c3*b3 - c4*b4 - c5*b5
c6 = c2*c2 - c3*c3 - c4*c4 - c5*c5
d6 = c2*d2 - c3*d3 - c4*d4 - c5*d5
e6 = c2*e2 - c3*e3 - c4*e4 - c5*e5

After this operation these two data blocks will look like

21    0.00  0.00  0.57  0.57  a6
21    0.00  0.00 -0.19  0.19  b6
6    -0.63  0.12  0.31  0.37  c6
24   -0.44  0.15  0.25  0.30  d6
-13  -0.23  0.37  0.13  0.14  e6
1     0.00  0.00  0.10  0.10  a6
-1    0.00  0.00 -0.66  0.66  b6
6    -0.17  0.40  0.27  0.32  c6
24   -0.48 -0.24  0.12  0.15  d6
-13   0.17 -0.44  0.33  0.18  e6

where the numerical values of the last column (for the 2nd data block as an example)

a6 = (-0.17)*(0.00) -(0.40)*(0.00) -(0.27)*(0.10) -(0.32)*(0.10)   = -0.0590
b6 = (-0.17)*(0.00) -(0.40)*(0.00) -(0.27)*(-0.66)-(0.32)*(0.66)   = -0.0330
c6 = (-0.17)*(-0.17)-(0.40)*(0.40) -(0.27)*(0.27) -(0.32)*(0.32)   = -0.3064
d6 = (-0.17)*(-0.48)-(0.40)*(-0.24)-(0.27)*(0.12) -(0.32)*(0.15)   =  0.0972 
e6 = (-0.17)*(0.17) -(0.40)*(-0.44)-(0.27)*(0.33) -(0.32)*(0.18)   =  0.0004

Try this code:

awk ' /<data>/ {
        f = 1;
        print $0
} /<\/data>/ && s {
        f = 0;
        m = 0;
        k = 12;
        while(m < j)
                        printf "%s\t", a[i,++m];
                        if(i >= 2)
                                a6 -= (a[i,k] * a[i,m]);
                printf "%.4f", a6;
                printf "\n"
                if(k > nf) k=12;
        j = 0;
        print $0;
} f == 1 {
                a[i,++j] = $i;
        if(a[1,11] == 6 )
                s = 1;
        if(a[1,11] != 6 )
                s = 0;
        nf = NF;
}' file

Hi bipi,
thanks for your efforts, but this code does not give desired answers,
could you please check it again.

Oops I forgot to reinitialize a6

Modified code:

awk ' /<data>/ {
        f = 1;
        print $0
} /<\/data>/ && s {
        f = 0;
        m = 0;
        k = 12;
        while(m < j)
                        printf "%s\t", a[i,++m];
                        if(i >= 2)
                                a6 -= (a[i,k] * a[i,m]);
                printf "%.4f", a6;
                a6 = 0;
                printf "\n"
                if(k > nf) k=12;
        j = 0;
        print $0;
} f == 1 {
                a[i,++j] = $i;
        if(a[1,11] == 6 )
                s = 1;
        if(a[1,11] != 6 )
                s = 0;
        nf = NF;
}' file

Here is the O/P that I am getting:

$ ./hayreter
21      0.00    0.00    0.57    0.57    -0.3876
21      0.00    0.00    -0.19   0.19    -0.0114
6       -0.63   0.12    0.31    0.37    -0.6443
24      -0.44   0.15    0.25    0.30    -0.4837
-13     -0.23   0.37    0.13    0.14    -0.2814
1       0.00    0.00    0.10    0.10    -0.0590
-1      0.00    0.00    -0.66   0.66    -0.0330
6       -0.17   0.40    0.27    0.32    -0.3642
24      -0.48   -0.24   0.12    0.15    -0.0660
-13     0.17    -0.44   0.33    0.18    0.0582

this is getting better :slight_smile:
first 2 row is correct but when it comes to 3rd row (that satisfies the condition)
answers are getting wrong

for you to check your results, look at the table that I posted yesterday above

OK fixed it. But I don't know why it didn't work in the previous code!

awk ' /<data>/ {
        f = 1;
        print $0
} /<\/data>/ && s {
        f = 0;
        m = 0;
        k = 12;
        while(m < j)
                        printf "%s\t", a[i,++m];
                        if(i >= 2)
                                b = (a[i,k] * a[i,m]);
                a6 = b[2] - b[3] - b[4] - b[5];
                printf "%.4f", a6;
                a6 = 0;
                printf "\n"
                if(k > nf) k=12;
        j = 0;
        print $0;
} f == 1 {
                a[i,++j] = $i;
        if(a[1,11] == 6 )
                s = 1;
        if(a[1,11] != 6 )
                s = 0;
        nf = NF;
}' file

Current O/P:

$ ./hayreter
21      0.00    0.00    0.57    0.57    -0.3876
21      0.00    0.00    -0.19   0.19    -0.0114
6       -0.63   0.12    0.31    0.37    0.1495
24      -0.44   0.15    0.25    0.30    0.0707
-13     -0.23   0.37    0.13    0.14    0.0084
1       0.00    0.00    0.10    0.10    -0.0590
-1      0.00    0.00    -0.66   0.66    -0.0330
6       -0.17   0.40    0.27    0.32    -0.3064
24      -0.48   -0.24   0.12    0.15    0.0972
-13     0.17    -0.44   0.33    0.18    0.0004
1 Like

Try this (with assumptions about your data):

awk '/^[ \t]*<data>/{data=1;countrow=0;rec[countrow++]=$0;next}
/^[ \t]*<\/data>/{
 if(output) {
  print rec[0]
  for(i=1;i<countrow;i++) {
   for(j=2;j<=n;j++) {
    if(j==2) {c=pattline[j]*otherline[j];continue}
   print rec,c
  for(i in rec) delete rec
 if(!output && $1=="6") { output=1; foundat=countrow }
}' file
1 Like

Both scripts works quite fine, I thank to you both so much.
Would you mind explain your codes line by line, I would appreciate a lot.
thanks again.

Here is a brief explanation:

awk ' /<data>/ {                                                # Search for pattern: <data>
        f = 1;                                                  # If found set f = 1
        print $0                                                # Print <data> tag
        next;                                                   # Stop processing current record
} /<\/data>/ && s {                                             # Search for pattern: </data>
        f = 0;                                                  # If found set f = 0
        m = 0;                                                  # m = 0  (counter for fetching all array elements)
        k = 12;                                                 # k = 12 (index of 2nd element in row c)
        while(m < j)                                            # While m < j
                for(i=1;i<=nf;i++)                              # For each records in 2D array
                        printf "%s\t", a[i,++m];                # Print records
                        if(i >= 2)                              # If array index i > 2 (starting from second element)
                                b = (a[i,k] * a[i,m]);       # Multiply current record with row c record.
                a6 = b[2] - b[3] - b[4] - b[5];                 # Subtract elements in array b and assign to a6
                printf "%.4f", a6;                              # Print a6
                a6 = 0;                                         # Reinitialize a6 = 0
                printf "\n"
                if(k > nf) k=12;                                # if k index goes beyond number of recs, reset to 12
        j = 0;
        print $0;                                               # Print </data> tag
} f == 1 {                                                      # If f == 1
        for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)                                      # Creating a 2D array with elements in <data> tag.
                a[i,++j] = $i;
        if(a[1,11] == 6 )                                       # If row c first element == 6
                s = 1;                                          # Set s = 1
        if(a[1,11] != 6 )                                       # If row c first element != 6
                s = 0;                                          # Set s = 0
        nf = NF;                                                # Set nf = number of records in line NF
}' file

Thanks again for this brief (but quite detailed) explanation.
I have just one question, how did you assign the row c?
And if our condition were to satisfied in row d instead of c
would this script still work? or is it not as that much generic?

Here are the indices (i,j) for each data elements when stored in array:

1   (1,1)       0.00  (2,2)     0.00  (3,3)     0.10  (4,4)     0.10 (5,5)
-1  (1,6)       0.00  (2,7)     0.00  (3,8)     -0.66 (4,9)     0.66 (5,10)
6   (1,11)      -0.17 (2,12)    0.40  (3,13)    0.27  (4,14)    0.32 (5,15)
24  (1,16)      -0.48 (2,17)    -0.24 (3,18)    0.12  (4,19)    0.15 (5,20)
-13 (1,21)      0.17  (2,22)    -0.44 (3,23)    0.33  (4,24)    0.18 (5,25)

This is why in the code I am using j index 11 - 15 to identify row c elements. Hence you have to change the j index as per your requirement. I hope you understood.

don't worry, I perfectly understood what you mean :slight_smile:
thanks a lot bipi.