manipulate the textfile having strings

i have text files named like vho1.txt, vho2.txt... vho15.txt.In all there are 15 in number.
each file has strings like

\Movies On Demand\Action & Adventure|X-Men: Wolverine|2009-09-29 00:01:00|2010-03-24 23:59:00|Active|3
\Movies On Demand\Free\Free1|My movie 14|2010-01-11 00:00:00|2010-03-01 23:59:59|Active|4

i have to introduce pipes in the same string after the second pipe(|) depending on the number at the last column (if the number is 3, it should have 3 ||| in that string, if 4 , |||| pipes).

Please help me out.
Thanks in Advance.

you mean like this way???

\Movies On Demand\Action & Adventure|X-Men: Wolverine||||2009-09-29 00:01:00|2010-03-24 23:59:00|Active|3
\Movies On Demand\Free\Free1|My movie 14|||||2010-01-11 00:00:00|2010-03-01 23:59:59|Active|4

then try this..

awk -F"|" '{printf "%s|%s",$1,$2}{for(i=0;i<=$NF;i++){printf "|"}}{printf "%s|%s|%s|%s\n",$3,$4,$5,$6}' filename

Another one:

awk -F"|" '{for(i=0;i<$NF;i++){$2=$2"|"}}1' OFS="|" file

Thanks for the answers. i have tried like this but it didn't work

#looping through all the files VHO1.txt,VHO2.txt....
for i in `ls VHO?.txt`
 #getting the last column value
  var2=echo $i|cut -f 6 -d "|" $i
# this is done to conditonally insert the pipes in each line based on the last column value.
if [ $var2 -eq 3 ]
#inserting the pipes as suggested and redirecting to file
awk -F"|" '{printf "%s|%s",$1,$2}{for(i=0;i<=$NF;i++){printf "|"}}{printf "%s|%s|%s|%s\n",$3,$4,$5,$6}', $i > F$

pls. correct me where it is just prints last column value on the console..

this will do the whole part.. check the last column value and if its 3 inserts the 3 pipe...

awk -F"|" '$NF==3{{printf "%s|%s",$1,$2}{for(i=0;i<=$NF;i++){printf "|"}}{printf "%s|%s|%s|%s\n",$3,$4,$5,$6}}' $i > F$

awesome!. it worked. thanks guys.