man and ldm man

According to Sun documentation (Ldoms 1.1 Administration Guide), To access the ldm(1M) man page, add the directory path /opt/SUNWldm/man to the variable $MANPATH. When I add the lines:
export MANPATH
to .profile, exit root and re-login, I would have "man ldm" working but I would miss all other man pages. If I remove these two lines from the .profile and re-login, I would have the man pages back but would loose the ldm stuff. Can any body help in resolving this issue?

You must not "add", append to the existing PATH in the .profile

How would I make this path available so man for pages are available ldm all the time if we do not have to add them in the .profile?

whats the current $MANPATH on your system?

This is how the .profile looks like:

# cat .profile
TERM=vt100;export TERM
export PATH
#export MANPATH

I have the last two line commented out so I do not loose the man pages. If I remove them, I get the man for ldm and loose the rest.

I found the solution. By default, MANPATH is set to /usr/share/man (I do not know where though). When I set the MANPATH in the .profile, it overwrites the default. To resolve that, /usr/share/man needs to be added as well. The .profile would look like:

TERM=vt100;export TERM
export PATH
export MANPATH