making url's clickable

here at work. we operate by making all of our unix systems alerts be sent to Microsoft Outlook for us to investigate.

now, there are quite a number of url link alerts that are sent to our inboxes. problem is that we have to copy and paste each of those urls into our browser.

i hate doing this as it is quite tedious given the fact that we're probably dealing with a thousand seperate urls here.

now, is there a way to make the url link alerts that we get in outlook come up in our inboxes as a link that can be clicked as opposed to having to copy and paste it to the browser?

meaning, i want to be able to just click the problematic link as opposed to having to copy and paste it.


I dont see what that has to do with shell-scripts or unix... Send your email as HTML and put proper <a>-tags in there, then you dont have to copy-paste the URLs...


well i have series of scripts that generates reports. these reports contain the urls. this definitely has A LOT to do with shell-script. A LOT. send my email in html? well, how do i do that?

Well, but you problem is your mail-client, isnt it? I just checked the outlook client (2002) of a friend which does automatically convert url-patterns into "clickable urls" even in plain-text-mails, so you can propably find a setting for outlook there... evolution and kmail also have that ability.

To send email as html the content-type of the email to text/html and put html in it instead of plain text

I think that has to be done with outlook properties and not with unix shell scripting.That you can check by typing into outlook mail some url like and when you press enter or space it will convert into clickable link.If not then you need to check your outlook help.