
I am writing my first makefile, and I face a problem:

all: sequential pthreads1 pthreads2 openmp1 openmp2

sequential: sequential/main.c sequential/definitions.h
	gcc -o seq sequential/main.c

pthreads1: pthreads1/main.c pthreads1/definitions.h
	gcc -o pthr1 pthreads1/main.c -lpthread

pthreads2: pthreads2/main.c pthreads2/definitions.h
	gcc -o pthr2 pthreads2/main.c -lpthread

openmp1: openmp1/main.c openmp1/definitions.h
	gcc -o open1 openmp1/main.c -fopenmp

openmp2: openmp2/main.c openmp2/definitions.h
	gcc -o open2 openmp2/main.c -fopenmp

	rm -f seq pthr1 pthr2 open1 open2

	cd sequential; touch *
	cd pthreads1; touch *
	cd pthreads2; touch *
	cd openmp1; touch *
	cd openmp2; touch *
	make all

Why make force doesn't compile openmp2?

EDIT: Problem solved. I had forgotten to put the lines in bold.