Makefile help


What I want to do is for make to reconstruct the target even if its dependencies have not changed. So, even if if the dependent files do not have a more recent timestamp, the commands are executed.

The reason I want to do this..

1)someone executes make on solaris. We have a solaris binary.
2) Now someone should be able to run make on linux to generate the linux binary. (Without executing make clean to remove the already existing binary and .o file)

does anyone know how to do this ?

Thanks !!!

Can you elaborate a little? I'm not exactly clear how what you want to do would be different from a make clean.

Would it be accurate to say you want to clobber anything that has already been built if you do another make?

Hi reborg, hmm not sure what you mean by clobber..

So, I execute make once. The object files are built from the source files. The executable is then built from these object files.

Now if I run make again (without changing the source code) Nothing will happen because the files are already up to date and so nothing will be done.

What I want is, on running make again. The object files and the executables are built again.

let me know if this is clear..

That's exactly what I though. Clobber means to overwrite an already existing file. You should be able to achieve this by simply removing the make state (.make.state) files, which should give make forget about what is already built.

I think. if u don't have binary on linux or solaris then u r makefile must execute
and generate a binary for that machine.