Make shell script get information from the internet

I am attempting to learn shell for approx. two weeks. So, sorry if I am writing wrong things. Can a shell script get some information for itself from a site? I can't post the site right know, I don't have privileges. But it can be any site that shows the currency between whatever. Actually I don't need it :). I just want to see if there is a script that gets the information from an on-line site.

Thanks in advance,

edit:Oh i forgot, it is a bash script.

check Wget GNU Wget or cURL cURL and libcurl.

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See also man lynx for lynx -dump to get text from a web page.

For example, enter this at the command line:

lynx -dump -nolist

to get the text from the first page at Google ... cheers, drl

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Thanks, lynx will be useful.
Also how do I specify the script to take a particular line of it?