Make new files based on the number extracted

Hi All,

I have a big file which looks like this:

0 4.5 6.7
0 3.4 6
1 5 6
1 6 4
2 9 4.44

Above is just a miniature version of the file. In fact, considering the first column of the file that is 0 0 1 1 2, the numbers in actual go until 10442.

This means my actual file looks like this:

0 4.5 6.7
0 3.4 6
1 5 6
1 6 4
2 9 4.44
10442 5 4.333

What I want to do is to look in the first column, extract all the lines which have 0 in the beginning and store in the file 1.num

Referring to the above example, this is what I mean:

0 4.5 6.7
0 3.4 6

The above numbers go in file, 1.num

1 5 6
1 6 4

Lines which begin with 1, go in file named 2.num


10442 5 4.333

goes in file 10443.num

The number of lines containing 0's or 1's or 10442's is not fixed. This means I have to look at the first number from each line and keep storing the lines with the same number in the same file.

I am not able to figure it out as to how to tackle this but I show as to what I have done:

awk '{print $1} {c++}{print > c."num"}' scores.sce 

The above code has following problems:

  1. I am not able to put in the searching part that is the part which searches for 0 or 1 or 2 etc in the beginning of every line.
  2. It gives syntax error message.

I am using Linux with BASH.

awk '{print > $1+1".num"}' inputfile
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awk '{print > $1+1".num"}' file
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