Make .iso mountable in LDOM


mkisofs -lJR -o output_image.iso directory_name

to create an iso on the primary domain of a server.

mounted it locally in the primary using

lofiadm -a /path/to/cd.iso

mount -o ro -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

verified that I could read the disk correctly.

then created a vdsdev using :

ldm add-vdsdev -options=ro /home/userid/10_Recommended.iso 10_Recommended@primary-vds0

then attached it to the LDOM:

 ldm add-vdisk 10_Recommended 10_Recommended@primary-vds0 ldm

but when I booted the LDOM it didn't see the disk. it doesn't show up in format it doesn't show up in /dev/dsk or /dev/rdsk but it does show in devalias from the OBP.

what am I doing incorrectly?

NOTE: I am not trying to boot from this disk. I want to provide it to the LDOM as a mountable asset to patch from.

thanks in advance

can you see the "iso" in OBP with "show-disks"?

I would try to "unbind" and "bind" the LDOM again... may be you will get an error to investigate on bind... (in use or something like that)


The problem is that when you use mkisofs it doesn't write a whole partition label so you have to mount it in the vdsdev as a slice:

The solution is to export the ISO with the "slice" option (add-vds options=slice), then you should be able to mount slice s0:

primary # ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /export/image.iso image-iso@primary-vds0
primary # ldm add-vdisk image-iso image-iso@primary-vds0 ldg1
ldg1 # mount -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c2d1s0 /mnt
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