maintenance script

Hi Guys

i wonder if anyone can help. i want to create a script that checks multiple servers for disk space availible, cpu usage for past 24 hours. as well as check if all the hardware components are still doing their jobs. i will be doing this in the tcsh, can anyone help? OS = Sun Solaris 5.10

Kind regards

Each server should write it's own daily report on cron, and you just pick them up using scp with passwordless public key access and yesterday's date. The reporting system script should annotate the report with any warnings for easy collection into an alert email. You should get a report summary email daily, with the warnings highlighted/up front/counted prominently.

My first help would be to suggest ksh! They write articles on how many ways csh is bad. dtksh is a more advanced and expanded ksh, and solaris has it. coshells would be nice to have, but solaris supports <() even in base ksh.

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check my reply in this link, you can continue it by your request.

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