Mailx sending attachments to personal email, but not SharePoint?

Hello! I am writing a KornShell script that (in addition to other things) sends a file from a Unix directory to a SharePoint directory. However when executing the script there is no sign of the file on the SharePoint.

I have tested the script using my personal email as the destination and the files are sent correctly (as attachments). I have also tried sending an email with attachments to the SharePoint through Outlook and the files are correctly uploaded. There is some sort of disconnect though when attempting to send files to the SharePoint via the script.

My code:

# Change Internal Field Seperator (IFS) to account for spaces in filename

# Mail most recent outage report to share point
for file in `ls -1t $outageFileName | head -n 1` 
    uuencode $fullPath ${fullPath##*/} | mailx -m -s "Outage Report" $spEmail

# Mail most recent job report to share point
for file in `ls -1t $jobFileName | head -n 1` 
    uuencode $fullPath ${fullPath##*/} | mailx -m -s "Job Report" $spEmail

# Reset IFS

Q: Why are the files not being uploaded to the SharePoint and how can I alter the script to properly upload the files?


When you say 'Share Point', what are you actually hoping to have happen?
mailx is a tool to email (can have an attachment) something to a user account.
perhaps you need to think about using a tool like ftp to transfer the file to a particular location on a specific server.

There is a destination directory within the SharePoint that is setup to accept emails with attachments. When an email is received, the attachments are uploaded into the directory. This has been tested by personal email. However, when trying to send from a script, the files are not uploaded.

Note: Unfortunately, I do not have access to the SharePoint and have very little experience with SharePoint in general.

After some troubleshooting I was able to access the mail.log.

I receive the following errors in the stat field:

stat=Transient parse error -- message queued for future delivery

When looking at the mail queue, each unsent email has a the following note:

(host map: lookup (domain): deferred)

Is this a an issue connecting with the domain?