Mail x to HTML

i've build a script, 1: neon_script and the other 2:neon_mailing those to scripts i run with 3:neon_handmatig

After that i get a mail in plain text in my mail box and i want it in html format. I already tried already a several things but nothings seems to work.

Somebody got i idea how i got to fix this?:b:

bash-2.03$ more neon_script

#! /bin/csh
# Neon - nmslog check
# v0.1 : Richare_NEON: trail version
TIJD=`date '+'%d' '%B' '%y' '%T''`
TIJD2=`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M"`
echo building report ...... please wait, this will take some minutes.....
echo +-----"$TIJD"----"$versie"---------------------------+ > "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----Stack meldingen ----------------------- vandaag : `grep STACK /var/log/mon/nmslog | wc -l` >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
grep %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE /var/log/mon/nmslog | cut -d ':' -f1,2,3,8,9 >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----Stack meldingen vorige dag -------- gisteren: `zgrep %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE /var/log/mon/nmslog.1.gz | wc -l` >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
zgrep %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE /var/log/mon/nmslog.1.gz | cut -d ':' -f1,2,3,8,9 >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------Port Securty meldingen--------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +-------Aantal Port Security Meldingen vandaag: `grep %PORT_SECURITY-2-PSECURE /var/log/mon/nmslog|wc -l`------+>> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
perl /home/richare/neon_instandhouding/count_port_security_today |sort +2 -3 -nr|head -5 >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +-------Aantal Port Security Meldingen gisteren: `zgrep %PORT_SECURITY-2-PSECURE /var/log/mon/nmslog.1.gz|wc -l`------+>> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
perl /home/richare/neon_instandhouding/count_port_security_yesterday |sort +2 -3 -nr |head -5 >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +-------Aantal Port Security Meldingen eergisteren: `zgrep %PORT_SECURITY-2-PSECURE /var/log/mon/nmslog.2.gz|wc -l`---+>> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
perl /home/richare/neon_instandhouding/count_port_security_daybeforeyesterday |sort +2 -3 -nr |head -5 >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +----------------------------------------------------------+ >> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log

bash-2.03$ more neon_mailing

#! /bin/csh
# Neon Mailing
# v0.1  : Richare : trail version
set namen=richare
set bestand=`ls -latr /home/richare/neon_instandhouding/neon_script_output/*.log | cut -d ':' -f2,3 | cut -d ' ' -f2 | tail -1`
perl -i -pe 's/\.sus\.beheer\.kpn\.net//' $bestand
#perl -i -pe 's/\n/\r\n/' $bestand
/usr/bin/cat "$bestand" | /usr/bin/mailx -s "Neon Nmslog Analyzer" "$namen"

bash-2.03$ more neon_handmatig

# daily run & mailing(on weekdays only) of neon-parser #
/home/richare/neon_instandhouding/neon_script ##>/dev/null 2>&1

While you can certainly place an HTML document wrapper around the plain text output from your scripts, this will be nothing more than the plain text you receive now.

If you want various elements in your reports to be HTML, you must output the HTML tags necessary for the desired formatting. If your report output is consistent, you may be able to post-process the output and insert appropriate HTML tags, wrapping it all up in the proper < html > ... < /html > tags, etc.

So you mean (correct me if i'm wrong)

echo <html> > "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo <b> This text is bold </b> > "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo +-----"$TIJD"----"$versie"-------- > "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log
echo </html> "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log

Yes, that's the idea. But be sure to add all the correct HTML elements (head, title, body).

You can eliminate all those echo's and redirections and instead perform one redirection and write more naturally using a here document:

$ cat 

echo Script has started...

cat <<END > /tmp/output
    <title>This is my HTML</title>
            This is ...  a  ... test ...
            $(cd /tmp ; pwd)

echo Script has completed

$ ./     
Script has started...
Script has completed

$ cat /tmp/output
    <title>This is my HTML</title>
            This is ...  a  ... test ...

Replace my redirection filename /tmp/output with your "$D1R"/"$TIJD2".log. Place your commands where my $(cd /tmp ; pwd) command substitution is. Your commands go inside a $( ... ) command substitution syntax. You do as many of these as you need, or you can place all your commands within a single one, all separated by semicolon's like I have in mine.