mail transfer

Hi all!
How do I transfer mail already stored in /var/spool/mail/xxx to another host ? (without using ftp, rcp or any other kind of copy/archiving utility :slight_smile:
I'm using linux/sendmail
Any idea would be greatly appreciated!!!

Why this limitation? (without using ftp, rcp or any other kind of copy/archiving utility)...and why on earth does that limitation make sense to you?

Because i do not have access to those services on the remote mail server ...
Anyway, i discover i can send mail using 'cat mailfile | sendmail' but it only process one mail at a time :frowning: and the mailbox has 150 msgs, so:

for i in `seq 150`
  echo  s $i file.$i >> forpipe

echo x >> forpipe
mail -f /var/spool/mail/usr_mbox < forpipe

for i in file.*
  cat $i | sendmail
  echo "Sent $i"
  sleep some_time

And omitting of course the 1st don't delete mail ...

Well you could of course tar the files up, concatenate them all into a single file, or mail them one at a time! Choice is yours. I probably would use tar first though.