Mail Notification in nagios

Hi guys,

I have configured Nagios in My Ubuntu8.4 machine through Quickstart Guide, All things are working fine.
Now i want to get Services Notification mails on my personal Email-id,what configuration is needed to get the mails,any assistance would be appreciable.
Thanks in advance.

I'd hate for this to turn into a "use a different tool" day for me, but nagios is a bear and a half to configure. You would be better off using something like puppet or cfengine with a tool like HypericHQ. The free version smacks Nagios around (though it can use its plugins). Other people have had good experience with things like Zabbix or other tools, but I am a big fan of Hyperic.


Make sure that your nagios server can send outgoing emails. You can specify the email address in the conf of nagios that can receive email notifications did you explore that option?

Yes i did that now it's working
Thanks to having interest