MacPorts, OpenCV, Python, and PyGame configuration help


I've been banging around all week (after re-install of Snow Leopard) trying to get python configured with MacPorts, OpenCV, and PyGame (at least). I've got python_select properly configured and seemingly working, but I can't seem to get any of these modules including all at once. Currently I can include �cv� in python26, but pygame only works with MacPython (which I am hoping to ditch). Any ideas about the cleanest way to run python and configure all the necessary libraries and dependencies? If it would help, I'm not averse to starting over. Additionally, if anyone has any ideas about the best environment to develop with Python on Mac, I feel I've just been kludging it for a while, and would be happy to clean up this town.

Thanks in advance.

What did you end up doing? Am having similar frustrations trying to get opencv and pygame working on a Mac and am thinking of moving to linux.

What did I end up doing? Guh! Put the project on the "indefinite backburner". I never really got anything successfully working. I DID get pygame set up and switched my python install to the macPorts version so I can swap it out at will now, but openCV is shelved for the moment. Good luck. Let me know if you have any.

Back to Ubuntu I think. Will let you know if I ever do get it working on OSX.

After 3 years on and off trying to get opencv installed on my mac I finally cracked it thanks to homebrew.

Go to page wiki/Mac_OS_X_OpenCV_Port page on the willowgarage site (can't post url as not allowed) and follow the instructions for Homebrew including using brew to install opencv. I had to change my permissions (instruction given) and delete /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib and uninstall MacPorts, but I just followed the instructions after it worked!