Mac.. PC.. how do I share files with each other on the same router???

OKay so.. I have a mac at web design company office, and a PC at home.. I want to be able to send the Mac files.. We are using the same modem that's hooked up through out a router!! How would I do this.. I'm new to this part so talk to me like I'm 2!!! thanks..

You're question isn't very clear. Do you want to send files from your Mac at work to your PC at home? If so why? Are you just wanting to get your work files on your PC at home? I would just use a thumb drive.

Does your router with the modem have about 4 ethernet connections are you and the PC are both connected via ethernet to the modem?

Is the modem actually something like an ADSL Router?

Can you both connect to the internet simultaneously, eg can both the PC and Mac use a webbrowser at the same time?

What version of Macintosh Operating System are you refering to?

What version of PC Operating System are you refering to?