M4000 graphics card

Hi Guys,
Anyone know any commands to verify the graphics card is installed correctly on an M4000?

show-displays just comes back and echoes nothing.

Also there is on input-device or output-device variable when you run printenv.

This in itself is worrying.

Any advice would be gratefully received.



What graphics card did you get installed? The path to device will depend on the card type.

None of mine have any, and being honest I don't see an obvious reason for needing one.

Graphics card supported, but you will have no display. You can only access the XSCF> for the console

The card is a sun XVR-300 if this helps

as reborg has stated, there really isn't a need for a gfx card. are you looking to set up a local terminal to this box? may i suggest a termserver for consoling into the box. if you need a graphical front end, pick up something like exceed and enable xdmcp broadcasts.

did the card come with any drivers that need to be loaded up?