LVM - Extending Logical Volume within Volume Group


I have logical volume group of 50GB, in which I have 2 logical volumes, LogVol01 and LogVol02, both are of 10GB.
If I extend LogVol01 further by 10GB, then it keeps the extended copy after logical volume 2. I want to know where it keeps this information


What are the commands you wrote?
can you give us the syntax?


what exactly you want if you are asking about a particular VG configuration file. then It is /etc/lvmconf/vol_group_name.conf



Dear Awadhesh,

Basically I am reading my hard disk through Winhex(ver-13.5) and I am unable to make the connectivity between the extents of a logical volume within a volume group. As in my last query I have told that I have made a Logical Volume Group of 50GB, in which I have created 2 logical volumes(LogVol01 and LogVol02), both of 10 GB. After some time the disk space allocated for first logical volume(i.e. 10GB) gets filled, then I further extended this logical volume by 10GB. Now the total disk spcae allocated to my first logical volume is 20GB. So now, if you check it through WinHex first it keeps 10GB of first logical volume, then 10GB of second logical volume and then again 10GB of first logical volume, which I have extended later. Now my question is where exactly it keeps this information that from which particular sector or offset it will keep its extent. As i have to make a connectivity between the first 10GB of first logical volume and its extent which is also of 10GB that I got after the second logical volume. Now I think I have made my point more clear to you.
Ask to me if there is any confusion yet.
