LV corrupted

I'm getting the following error after we replaced a failed disk in a mirrored logical volume. We cleared the device entry in ODM before adding the new disk but when we create the mirror we get the following error after running lslv.

0516-022 lslv: Illegal parameter or structure value.
0516-304 lslv: Unable to find device id 0001709371ad1252 in the Device
Configuration Database.

I already exportedvg and importedvg but didn't work. And I also ran the syncvg, synclvodm but it didn't solve the problem =(

Any suggestions?


Could it be that the old hdisk is still configured? Maybe not in the ODM but the LVCB?

Try the following: first reduce the VG to one single copy (man reducevg, man unmirrorvg), then throw out all the unused hdisks (and pdisks) via "rmdev -dl". Then run cfgmgr to rebuild the device information and create a new mirror (man mirrorvg).

Hope this helps, please tell if this solved the problem.
