luminis app

The guys at SunGard want to charge a lot of $$$$ for installing Luminis and we are trying to see if this can be done without them. Their installation guide provided page #53 ( ) doesn't really tell you much. All they say is that you need
Java Development Kit
Tomcat Web Server
but doesn't say anything else. Then issue this command:

./LP- /home/cpadmin/install.conf

I think they purposely left the details out so we have to pay them. that's just my take on it.

If you you successfully installed luminis, do you know if you have to install the Tomcat web server and the JDK before you do anything with luminis installation?

If you have any information at all please share. I am sure someone out there will also benefit. They WARN you that if you screw some little thing up you will have to re-installed the entire OS!

Thanks for reading and I hope someone gives me some ideas or tips about how to go about installing this thing.


I have not personally done the install but my coworker who has gone to the luminas install said that yes they are both required pre-reqs before you start with the installation.

thanks for the response riley.

so I understand correctly. I need to have Tomcat Web Server & Java Development (JDK) fully installed and configured before starting Luminis installation. Correct? That makes sense but just want to be sure. Please reply.

Thank you!


That is what I'm being told. We will also be starting a new luminas install soon in which I will be apart of. I will respond if I learn anything new in the next few days.

that would be awesome!

thanks a bunch.
