lsof in HP-UX

In Linux and Solaris lsof accepts the -X switch which allows to see if deleted files are still in use and eat disk space. In HP-UX it is now working and it is a problem... today one of my filesystems on the server was increasing very fast but existing file sizes were not really changing. lsof shows that some file on a volume group is deleted but doesn't show it's name and i can't give the list of those files to database and application admins.
I wrote a small program to test if Veritas fs is able to show the filename by inode of deleted object but no luck.
Do anyone have ideas how it it possible to determine the filenames of deleted objects but used by processes in HP Unix?

pmap and pfiles show open file descriptors of processes, you need to root run run them against a process you do not own.

These work against process memory, not the filesystem or a directory. The "kind" of file you are looking for exists not in a directory, but only in process memory.

BTW - this is a security feature in UNIX:

  1. open a file for temporary use
  2. delete the file
  3. no other process can get to the file, so it is secure.
  4. file is removed when the last reference to it (descriptor) goes away.

The ONLY way to get rid of the disk usage is to terminate the process. Nothing else will work.

...or convincing the process to close them on its own. Some daemons reopen logfiles when given SIGHUP for example.

Guys.. i understand it)) But the question was - how can i get the filenames? Is it possible in HP-UX? :slight_smile: