Lsof command giving while loop


There is a process in AIX which is actually a oracle database user session but is running very slow When I use lsof it give below output

lsof /proc/21955180
 In while loop:256
 In while loop:256
 In while loop:256
 In while loop:256
Value of I :183          np:1024

Please suggest what does this while loop mean?

Best regards,

  1. Define slow: Is the user sending SQL statements that take long to process/return? If yes, maybe check if the query uses indices or use a EXPLAIN PLAN, which will show what "costs" the query has and where improvements can be done. Use Google and you will find lots of helpful documents.
    It can also be that there is another problem like a performance problem on the box, etc. Do other users/jobs have the same problem?
  2. The command you use will try to find associated processes for the directory /proc/21955180. This will not work the way you want it.
    You should specify the correct switch for a PID, which is -p
    This will most probably be the least thing to check why the connection or processing of queries is slow.