lshal command is not working in RedHat

lshal command is not working in RadHat Linux 9.

Whether it is not supported in RedHat or is any other equivalent command for lshal ?

What kernel are you using?

As far as I know HAL is only supported in 2.6> kernels.

kernel version of machine am using is 2.4.

I have checked that command with some other machine those have kernel version 2.6 its working.

Is any other compatible command for lshal in 2.4 ?

Well, without knowing what you are trying to do it would be hard to tell.

There is a patch for 2.4 kernels called RTAI. I've never tried it myself but it's based on the HAL concept (RTHAL).

If you are looking for a list of components on a platform, try lshw or hwinfo.

hal is also deprecated pretty much moving forward. Just fyi.

So... no hal in something old like Red Hat 9... and no hal in future versions of Linux (not sure when it will be totally dropped).

HAL was deprecated in favor of DeviceKit which in turn was depreciated in favor of UDEV. What a mess! I really liked the simplicity of HAL. One of the problems with open source is that if a way can be found to complicate an abstraction, it will be found.

Well... no... not exactly. Udev isn't a replacement for hal. Udev is still mainly for creation of devices... now the kernel signaling technique that makes Udev work is, afaik, essentially what other things are now banking on to do their dirty deeds (the attempt to take a multi-user OS and give it single-user style operational privs). Thought that devicekit was still what was going to be used for that... but I could be wrong.

---------- Post updated at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:56 PM ----------

IMHO hal just restated what we already knew via udev and sysfs... and, IMHO, it's no wonder it was terminated.

lshal was a abstraction of an abstraction.... we didn't need another middleman.