ls -G in terminal emulation

Hi !
As everyone, i installed my system and started "personalizing" it. One of the adjustments was creating an alias in /etc/profile fo ls, so when I type ls it is running ls -G so i can see a colored output. Everything is ok, but after I configured my system to start in X by default (kdm as desktop manager) I saw that the terminal emulation program is using none of the aliased created by me in /etc/profile.
So, does anyone know how can I change this ? I mean, how can I set an alias automaticly when X starts ? beacause I'm already bored typing alias ls='ls -G' all the time when i want to surf my computer...
I also noticed the same behaviour when I'm changing the current user (su).
This will be my biggest problem for now :wink:
Bye !

You may want to add the alias to the .bashrc or .tcshrc or .shrc in your user directory.

Hi !
Thanks for answering to my problem. It works perfectly on both situations (su and terminal emulation). Thanks.
Bye !