ls command to give full path to files

How can i perform a ls or other command to list the full paths of files from a ls?
Looked through the man page for ls, no luck

[bcr@server123 ~]$ cd /tmp/
[bcr@server123 tmp]$ ls -l
total 6
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Nov  7  2008 keyring-7b5rMv
drwx------  2 bcr bcr 4096 Dec  7  2007 keyring-cGhir8
[bcr@server123 tmp]$

I'd be looking for something like:

drwx------  2 root root 4096 Nov  7  2008 /tmp/keyring-7b5rMv


$ ls -l /tmp/*

or if you need it automated for different directories then:

$ ls -l `pwd`/*

not do what you want?