lpstat throughs warning

Hi Guys,
I am geting this message ".status: (WARNING): 0781-102 Invalid printer name: xerox".i m reading printer name from a text file.i try to print the value reading from file is correct xerox. if run lpstat -pxerox -l it works fine but when i try to read from file it throughs warining.please help me to fix this problem. thanks code is given below
cat test.txt

read line
echo $line
lpstat -p$line -l >t.txt
sed '1,2d' t.txt > file.csv

There must be something funny in the file test.txt .

To see any odd characters:

# sed -n l (character ell)
sed -n l test.txt
When viewed through the above "sed" filter a normal file would look like this:

# In case there is more than one line in test.txt
cat test.txt | while read line
        echo ${line}
        lpstat -p${line} -l >t.txt 
        sed '1,2d' t.txt > file.csv