LOST my crontab enteries of root

Hello All,

I did very stupid mistake and lost all my crontab enteries on root prompt.
Please help me to solve this issue.

i did entry on root prompt like this.
crontab /home/back.cron

and enters

but when i enter crontab -l so its only showing 1 entry defined in back.cron
and all other enteries defined on root are lost...

Please help, is there is anyway to recover my previous enteries..


Recover your former crontab from backup.

Can you tell me how to recover crontab file from backup..

i have four tapes containing backup...

can you please tell me the procedure..

i have put in tape in the tape drive and trying to access it through this command:

root> tar tf /dev/rmt/0hbn
tar: tape read error

but its giving error...

tell me how to access contents of tape drive?

