Lost in shell script

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  1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
    Hey whats up everyone,
    Currently I'm stuck. In this question I have to use the following commands test, shift, while loop, expr, and to display the value of the variable $1 using echo in a script. I'm supposed to create a script file displaying the first 12 command line arguments. My question is, what 12 command line arguments? Do you think I have to make then up?

  2. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms:

  3. The attempts at a solution (include all code and scripts):

  4. Complete Name of School (University), City (State), Country, Name of Professor, and Course Number (Link to Course):
    Framingham State University, Framingham MA USA Prof. Krishnamoorthy
    CSCI.258 (63.258)

Note: Without school/professor/course information, you will be banned if you post here! You must complete the entire template (not just parts of it).

Yes, you've to write a script which will display arguments that would be passed along with the script name while invoking it. Something like this:

[root@hostname dir]# sh script.sh txt1 txt2 txt3 ..... txt12

You can just use any 12 arguments. Names, numbers, alphanumeric string.. Just remember that a space in between would act as the argument separator (by default).

Hint: Read about positional parameters.

So I can just open vi editor and list different animal names or something and those would be my line arguments?
But what your saying is the whole objective is just to display the contents ( line arguments ) of my script file with the file name? using the commands I listed

I think balajesuri was quite clear:
script.sh is your script, what follows are the arguments...
I think you will need to revise what are, how to use positional parameters/variables...
When having no idea how to start, well you begin by writing a little script that accepts arguments , then displays how many were entered. We are not here to do the work for you, but to assist!
So start by that!
submit it, we will comment then pass to next step if needed.

If you create a shell script (for example mytest) and it has execute permissions and you are in the directory of that script then you can execute it like this:

./mytest tiger lion "mountain lion" jaguar...  

The animal names are the positional parameters inside the script... Do not forget to use braces where appropriate (Shell Command Language)

Thank you balajesuri & Scrutinizer!
I was just having a little trouble understanding the question..
As for vbe, I think forum rules clearly state no bullying.

Bullying was it?
Read again the Rules you are to comply with:


All I was doing was to help you start , once you had submitted your first script we could have discussed in what way it will help you achieve your appointed task...
But I understand reading your last post that you are now able to continue on your own, so good luck, there must be "softer" forums out there...

There is a reason your assignment included more than 9 variables.

My little tip:
Beware of $1 being substituted incorrectly into $10 , $11 , $12 .
Refer to the variables as: ${1} ... ${10} , ${11} , ${12} .
... or perhaps use the Shell "shift" command.