Lost disk partition table. How do I take out data from the disk?

Hello everyone,
Solaris 10 disk lost its partition table. I hope that data are still there.
So my question is how do I take out data from that disk? There has been a pretty valuable folder on /usr slice.

There is similar partition table data, but not identical.

So do you have any idea how the partition table was blown away?

Do you know what the filesystems were? UFS or ZFS?

Are you saying that you don't have any backup of the system (despite the valuable data on it)?

What is the host hardware? Sparc or x86?

I think UFS and SPARC.

You could try running UFS Explorer to recover data/filesystem

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If you have a backup of the partition table then you can restore it, and the filesystems will become accessable.

In general I recommend to run a prtvtoc on all mounted UFS partitions and redirect the output to a file /partition_table
This is in addition to the normal file backup.

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