
Can anybody help please.

I am trying to right a script which will loop until a certain action has been performed. For example i current have two batch jobs i would like to put into a wait status. Batch Jobs A and B . The script i am trying to get to work is below.

jobs="A B"

while [ $COUNT -lt 2 ]
for batch in $jobs
echo "Holding suite" ( I have a line here that kicks off a holding script)
echo "Get status" (I have a line here that gets the status of the batch job)

       if [ $status = "Wait" ]
              COUNT=\`expr $COUNT \+ 1\`


Now this seems to almost work except if one batch job for example B. If that finishes first it will add one start the loop again see that A has not finished go through B again and add another one making the COUNT to equal 2 stopping the loop. I need a loop that will keep looping just A until that has gone to a Wait state and then move onto B.
I know this is slightly confusing but if anyone could help it would be apprectiated as it is annoying me now.

One solution - have two 'counters' instead of adding to COUNT - countA and countB - set each to 0 then when your job is done, sets the appropriate countX to 1 - then instead of adding +1 to COUNT, set COUNT to $countA + $countB

Thanks for that, i had just thought of that as well. Problem is now solved.