Looping through records in db and processing them in UNIX


I want to read multiple records from oracle database table and then based on each record I need to do some file modifications in UNIX.

I'm not sure how do I process each record from DB in UNIX.Below is the code snippet.

sqlplus user/pwd@DEV
for i IN (select * from table)
-- for every record I need to switch to UNIX and move the files to some directory.
end loop


assume your read the filename from table as column fname
If you were to execute the host command hundreds of times it would be VERY slow.
Write to a file instead, then run all the commands afterwards, plus this lets you check
your commands for errors before they mess up.

> ./destfile.shl

# here document for sqlplus code:
sqlplus user/pwd@DEV <<-EOF
set serverout on size 1000000
spool destfile.shl
  fname varchar2(256):=NULL;
for i IN (select fname from table)  --or whatever you need to do to get a resultset
    dbms_output.put_line( '/usr/bin/mv '||fname||  ' /destination/some/directory ');
-- for every record I need to switch to UNIX and move the files to some directory.
-- no you do not
end loop


# now execute all your commands
# READ destfile.shl for errors first then run destfile.shl
# ./destfile.shl  uncomment for production.

You could also do this in the shell if you run the SQL and capture the output. You could do this with a file or a pipe to get it input a shell loop. It may be simpler to understand but may not run as efficiently as the all-in-one SQL solution suggested above.

Do you want to consider it?
