Looping through entries

Hi everyone,

I am having trouble looping through entries in a file. The file several entries that are separated by topics e.g.
<Topic r:id="Top/World/Fran�ais">
<Topic r:id="Top/World/Fran�ais/Actualit�">
<Topic r:id="Top/World/Fran�ais/Actualit�/A_la_Une">
<link r:resource="http://www.pluralworld.com/"/>
<link r:resource="http://www.webdopresse.ch/"/>
<link r:resource="http://www.largeur.com/"/>
<Topic r:id="Top/World/Fran�ais/Actualit�/Info-trafic">
<link r:resource="http://www.quelleroute.com/"/>
<link r:resource="http://www.transvalley.com/"/>
I want to be able to print out, for each entry, the name of the topic and then any links that appear within. In this case, I would like to print out:

Topic "Top/World/Fran�ais"
Topic "Top/World/Fran�ais/Actualit�"
Topic "Top/World/Fran�ais/Actualit�/A_la_Une"
Topic "Top/World/Fran�ais/Actualit�/Info-trafic"

I can't seem to separate the topics and then get in at their details. This is my attempt to far:


PARAGRAPHS=`sed -n '/<Topic r:id=\"Top\/World\/Fran�ais/,/<\/Topic>/p' $inputFile`


for p in $PARAGRAPHS
URLS=`sed -n '/<link r:resource=/,/>/p' $p`

for url in $URLS
echo "$url"

Can anyone help me please, I'm new to this?

Try awk

awk -F'"' '/Topic r/{printf "%s\t%s\n","Topic",$2}/link/{printf "\t%s\n",$2}' file