looping search question

This is my requirement--

I have a list file that contains a list of 50 words.

I want to search/grep for each of those words in a directory/and subdirectories and list the file in which that word exists.

Ne ideas for script/command?

I know grep -r <pattern> /direaddress will search for existence of a pattern in all files in a directory...but how will i grep for a pattern in a filelist in directory/subdirectories.

find /path -type f | \
while read file do
    grep -l  -f /path/to/wordfile  "$file"
done > list_of_found_files

Thanks a heap Jim...I think the below did the job for me and I needed to search the highest directory to see results from subdirectories.

#Example usage greptest.sh <filelist> <directory to search>

while read line
    grep -r ${line} $2 
    done <$1
exit 0

The while loop can be replaced by the xargs command :

find /path -type f | xargs grep -l -f /path/to/wordfile  > list_of_found_files

The -r option doesn't exist for grep on all Unix flavors, it why we use a find command.
