Loop through folders and open them

Well the title says it all. I need a loop script that directs to a folder and opens a bash file. I just found out about loop files the other day and yeah, dont know if that can be done.

Please describe the question better. What folders do you want to look through, to run what files, to do what?

I want it to direct to a folder and open up a bash file.


This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I want a loop script, to direct to a certain folder and open a certain file, over and over again. I found out the other day about this loop thing so i really don't know much about it. Is it even possible to do what im trying to do?

I don't think your question is crossing the language barrier.

 # change directory to /home/snoopy/bash
cd /home/snoopy/bash
# run a script inside it many times -- is this what you mean by loop?
while true

If we could understand what you meant, there's probably a way to make it possible!

Ah, yes!! Just like that. Thank you very much. :smiley: