Loop not working

Apologize if this is doesn't come under this group. I have a small script to find out users who last logged in to check there mail. (Tru 64 4.0, Netscape mail 3.6)
cat $1|awk -F: '$2=="SMTP-Accept" && $5~/@maildomain/ {s=$5;u[s]++;las=substr($1)} END {for (i in u) {print i,u[i],las}}'|sort>>/tmp/mailusage.list
It works when I run it with just one file (e.g script log20011107). But bombs out when I give command: script log*. It checks the first file only. :frowning: I tried to put another for loop for the script, but no good. Any suggestions. TIA, Ciao, :slight_smile:

You mention that you already tried looping it...
It didn't work when you did something like this?:

for each in `ls -1 log*`
cat $each|awk -F: '$2=="SMTP-Accept" && $5~/@maildomain/ {s=$5;u[s]++;las=substr($1)} END {for (i in u) {print i,u[i],las}}'|sort>>/tmp/mailusage.list

What happened when you tried that?

This what I just did, and it worked:
cd /netscape/logsdir
cat Maillogs*|awk -F: '$2=="SMTP-Accept" && $5~/@maildomain/{s=$5;u[s]++;las=substr($1,1,8)} END {for (i in u) {print
join -a 1 -e NA -o 1.1 2.3 2.2 /tmp/users.list /tmp/mailusage.list>/tmp/totalusage.list
----- :cool:

Initially, I did this and used to give me errors: can not open log-date-file. It would list all the files saying it can't open them :confused:
for i in `ls /netscape/logsir/`
cat $1|awk -F: '$2=="SMTP-Accept" && $5~/@maildomain/{s=$5;u[s]++;las=substr($1,1,8)} END {for (i in u) {print
join -a 1 -e NA -o 1.1 2.3 2.2 /tmp/users.list
---- What did I do wrong then? Well thanks, Ciao :slight_smile: